mler ife dada - sinto em mim
música e letra: mler if dada (1987)
Vento sinto em mim Sussurar
O sopro do mar.
Ânsia sinto em mim
De viver
O mundo a correr.
Fogo sinto em mim
teu corpo aquecer.
Força sinto em mim
A rasgar
Meu peito gritar.
Risos sinto em mim.
Força sinto em mim.
Horas sinto em mim.
Frio sinto em mim
Meu entardecer.
Vida sinto em mim
Na rua dançar.
Sede sinto em mim
De beber
Teu sangue a arder.
Alma sinto em mim
P'ra cantar
Um grito no ar.
Lobos sinto em mim.
Corvos sinto em mim.
Garras sinto em mim.
Medo sinto em mim
De sentir
Palavras mentir.
Dança sinto em mim
Seu vibrar
Guitarra cantar.
Sangue sinto em mim
A ferver
Nas veias correr.
Fúria sinto em mim.
Flechas sinto em mim.
Mágoa sinto em mim.
Morte sinto em mim.
This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren
On the floating, ship less oceans
I did all my best to smile
Till your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle
And you sang, "Sail to me
Sail to me, let me enfold you"
Here I am, here I am
Waiting to hold you
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you here when I was full sail?
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
For you sang, "Touch me not
Touch me not, come back tomorrow"
Ohh my heart, ohh my heart
Shies from the sorrow
Well, I'm as puzzled as a newborn child
I'm as riddled as the tide
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Or shall I lie with death my bride?
Hear me sing, "Swim to me
Swim to me, let me enfold you"
Here I am, here I amWaiting to hold you
an organ and a blade
"We have all hurt someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. We have all loved someone tremendously, whether by intent or accident. It is an intrinsic human trait, and a deep responsibility, I think, to be an organ and a blade. But, learning to forgive ourselves and others because we have not chosen wisely is what makes us most human. We make horrible mistakes. It’s how we learn. We breathe love. It’s how we learn. And it is inevitable."
—Nayyirah Waheed
livres (...)
dois mundos (...)
os dias
em amor
© J. Paulo S.
i've been & i still
"I’ve been hurt so bad and I still love so hard. I admire my heart for that."
—Alexandra Elle, Words from a Wanderer
photo by Eduardo Longhi
há dias em que o mar fica cinzento cor de prata. cinzento metalizado.
© a.a.v.alves
figueira da foz, janeiro 2015
lonely dark
"It's strange. I felt less lonely when I didn't know you." —Jean Paul Sartre, The Flies
"It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone." ―John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent
"It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone." ―John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent
artwork by Isha Patel
fonte: berlin-artparasites
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